Today celebrates the 40th anniversary of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. This book is fantastic and one of my favourites as a child. It influenced me immensely which is why I currently eat around 6 meals each day hoping that one day I'll transform into a beautiful butterfly!
Another event impacting my life was today's 2013 UK Budget. I took some time out from my usual activities to watch the budget to find out what changes I could expect as a self-employed individual.
Amidst the abundance of over-educated waffle I managed to extract the following information:
Overall, these points present to me a sense of celebration and jubilation. Yes, I understand that change doesn't happen overnight and that things take time to produce significant results. It's a shame that some of these changes will not come into play in the forthcoming financial year but in the one following but at least progress is being made. Keeping your costs down, down, down
To me it seems apparent that as a nation we are slowly but surely re-paying our debts and re-building our credibility.
In line with the budget I want to help keep your costs down and your profits up which is why I tailor my services to each individual client, project and specification. I want to help work to YOUR budget which is why with each work request that I receive I ask all clients for their project or hourly budget. This helps to keep my costs within your budget to help you achieve the results that you need at an affordable cost to suit you! In addition to this my Virtual Assistant Service saves you money every time you purchase one of my services. How?
Find out more about how my virtual assistant services can save you money by clicking on the button below!
Article Written by Kayleigh Brindley
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May 2023