However you feel about online reviews, they’re an unavoidable part of running a business today. Over 90% of online shoppers check reviews before purchasing, which means it’s vital to provide prospective customers with this opportunity to check your reputation.
The only way to ensure that your company will continue to not only thrive, but grow in the future, is to look after your customer base. Learning how to review customer satisfaction levels is an important aspect of your development programme. It will help management tweak long-term plans and goals, implement strategies to improve individual employee performance and help to increase the effectiveness of marketing strategies and direct customer interaction and policies. They say that the British are a nation of complainers. So, whether you are a small business or a multinational, you’re going to have to deal with complaints. Often, these complaints are more common as your business grows and you experience periods of strain, but you need to ensure that they are handled quickly and appropriately to ensure customers are kept happy.
And it’s not always easy to know where the complaints are going to come from, especially when you are starting up. So keeping a record of complaints becomes ever more important. Since Christmas, the majority of new requests that we've received have centred around communication.
Business Owners who are struggling to keep up with their communication have fallen behind with emails and voicemails and in doing so have missed vital customers, suppliers and PR opportunities. Therefore, we thought that it would be a good idea to go over why communication is so important and how we can help you to stay on top of it and never miss another opportunity.
Customer Service is usually a tiresome and difficult thing for most businesses to deal with. In this article I'm going to explain why Customer Service is one of my favourite things about business!
May 2023