Read time: Under 2 minutes Are you holding yourself back?
I’ve been listening to a new podcast, the Creative Self-Publishing Podcast from the Alliance of Independent Authors. In a recent episode, Orna Ross talked about the signs of publishing resistance, and it got me thinking about resistance in business. Have you ever wanted to start something new, but it just never happened? 🚫 You told yourself you didn’t have the time. 🚫 Or you didn’t have the skills. 🚫 Or someone else had already done it better than you ever could. These are all forms of resistance and block; things that can stop you from achieving your business goals. Orna explains, “What underlies resistance always is some form of fear. It can be a fear of failing, it can be a fear of success, or it can just be a fear of the creative process itself, which is what we often call fear of change.” So, how can we combat that fear, or as Orna suggests, how can we work with it and listen to what it’s trying to tell us? Give these tips a try 👇 Read time: Under 3 minutes Running a small business is tough, right?
The ever-changing landscape can be overwhelming, but today I’m seeking wisdom from an unexpected source. I asked my almost 9-year-old (“It sounds more grown-up than 8, Mum”) for her tips on running a small business. Trust me, her fresh perspective will blow you away and make you see things in a new light! 💡 So, get ready to embark on a journey of discovery as we explore the pearls of wisdom from an 8-year-old entrepreneur-in-training (she has plans to open her own art gallery/restaurant one day). You never know, her insights might just inspire you to update your approach and implement some simple yet effective strategies to help take your small business to new heights. Let's do this! 👇 Read time: Under 3 minutes AI (artificial intelligence) has been in the news a LOT lately.
From the story of a man who used AI to write a children's book in 72 hours (hint: it's not great) to a list of skills you apparently no longer need to know. It can seem scary, especially for those of us who do a lot of things on that list of no longer needed skills 😬 So, as a small business owner, how do you wade through the sludge and find the truth of what AI can and can't help you to do faster? Read on for my top tips on how to save time with AI 👇 Read time: Under 3 minutes Have you logged into your Hootsuite account lately?
If you have, and you're on their free plan, you might have spotted this message 👇 Hootsuite Free is going away after March 31 😦 When Hootsuite launched back in 2008 as an entirely free social scheduling service they quickly went viral, but it's not really a surprise that they've decided to knock the free plan on it's head. They've steadily limited the free plan to the point where you can currently only manage 2 social accounts, and schedule up to 5 posts. Which isn't a lot when you think about it. So, if you're facing losing your free plan and trying to decide whether to upgrade or go elsewhere, here are 4 FREE Hootsuite alternatives for you to consider. We're celebrating! 🎉 February 2023 marks 10 years since I first launched Admin Angels UK back in 2013! If you'd told me back then that we'd have made it through a global pandemic and three nationwide lockdowns I wouldn't have believed you... ...but here we are, and it's all thanks to our wonderful small business and author clients for sticking with us as we powered through the tough times together. We really wouldn't be here without you! 🙏 To highlight how far we've come in the last decade, we've put together a timeline of some of the things that have happened at Admin Angels UK since we launched in 2013 (keep scrolling to view). If you have under a minute to spare, you can also watch our 10 year celebration video here 👇 It's that time of year again!
The holidays are quickly approaching and things are starting to wind down. I just wanted to take this opportunity to say a very big thank you to our wonderful clients for your business and for supporting Admin Angels UK this year. I hope you have a wonderful festive season and find time to relax and unwind before heading into a prosperous new year! We'll be closed from 4pm tomorrow, 23rd December until 9am on Wednesday 4th January. I can't wait to work with you again next year as we head into our 10th year! Happy Holidays! Kayleigh Read time: Under 1 minute Think you don’t have time to start a blog?
Think again. It used to be that blog posts weren’t “valuable” unless they were really long and chock-full of keywords. But what those super long blog posts forget is that people are busy. We have short attention spans and given the fast-food nature of digital information; we like to get to the point as quickly as possible. It’s why I lean towards writing shorter blog posts. Short posts might not have a lot of words, but they still deliver value. Read time: Under 2 minutes Do you ever wish you could write faster?
You see other people producing content day after day, while you just stare at the blank page you opened an hour ago. What’s their secret? How do you write great content, faster? Read time: Under 2 minutes Did you see this article circulating in The Financial Times last month?
It's interesting, isn't it? That the emails and replies we send are polluting the environment. All of those "thank-you's" and "will-do's" clogging up data centres. On the other hand, it sounds a bit like clap-trap, and I'm sure there are much more impactful ways to tackle climate change than emails of all things. Let's face it, there are much bigger fish to fry (or not, as it were!) But, saying that, it did make me think about when to reconsider sending an email. So, before you hit send, ask yourself these questions: Read time: Under 2 minutes Happy New Year!
Here we are, at the start of 2021, the last awful year is behind us and we're looking ahead to newer greener pastures. Or we were, until, for those of us in the UK, we found ourselves flung into another national lockdown. Now, as we review the last 12 months and how well we achieved our goals and as we plan what we aim to achieve over the next year, everything feels a bit tainted by the pandemic. And that's okay. It's been a struggle. Whether you've found yourself working from home, struggling to educate the kids or just struggling to keep your business afloat and still going; we're all weathering the same storm. But let's take a moment to review the positives, the great things that happened in 2020 (yes, there were some!) and the things we can hope for in 2021. |
May 2023