Read time: Under 3 minutes Running a small business is tough, right? The ever-changing landscape can be overwhelming, but today I’m seeking wisdom from an unexpected source. I asked my almost 9-year-old (“It sounds more grown-up than 8, Mum”) for her tips on running a small business. Trust me, her fresh perspective will blow you away and make you see things in a new light! 💡 So, get ready to embark on a journey of discovery as we explore the pearls of wisdom from an 8-year-old entrepreneur-in-training (she has plans to open her own art gallery/restaurant one day). You never know, her insights might just inspire you to update your approach and implement some simple yet effective strategies to help take your small business to new heights. Let's do this! 👇 1.Make people (your customers) happy – Have good products or a good service and have a range of things for people to buy.
Her first tip is a golden oldie, and the key to any successful business. Take some time to review the products and services you offer now. Can you make any improvements? Is there something new you could offer? Now is the perfect time to bring something new or improved to the table! 2.Make the best impression – Try to make people have a good time and be kind so they remember you. Be yourself and be personal. I love her advice here! We often get lost in the day-to-day running of our businesses and can lose sight of our customers. Now might be a great time to improve those autoresponder emails or do a quick check-in with your clients so they know you still value them. If you send a regular newsletter or other emails, inject a bit of personality! I highly recommend checking out Kim Arnold’s book, Email Attraction to help you with this! 3.Don’t set your prices too high, or people won’t buy – (she was so pleased with herself for coming up with this rhyme!) This one is a bit of a tricky topic, isn’t it? I’m a firm believer in charging what you’re worth, but I also have a history of undercharging hugely, especially when I first started out as a VA. However, I also realise that the economy isn’t fantastic at the moment, and some customers might not be able to commit to the same products or services as they used to. Could you look at introducing a product/service at a lower cost? Of course, it won’t have the same value, but it could help your customers who are struggling while opening you up to a larger audience. 4.Give people a reason to come back – Free stuff! Who doesn’t love free stuff? If I receive a discount code from somewhere I haven’t bought from yet, I’m always more inclined to try them out. I also know that if I receive a special deal or offer from somewhere I have bought from before, I’m more likely to buy from them again. Could you offer a promotion or incentive to your returning customers? For authors, free books, previews, and short stories are perfect for this! 5.Think fun! – I love watching videos that are creative, fun, and exciting. They make me want to buy the things I see! My daughter LOVES watching YouTube videos. Is there a kid who doesn’t? Her favourites are extremely creative art videos that never fail to make her laugh, and always lead her straight to me as she sees a new art or craft product she just needs to have, (“Please, Mum. I NEED it!”) My advice here is to embrace video and make your marketing as fun and engaging as possible! Whether it’s colourful, animated social media content, trailers for your books, or a complete website overhaul, it’s time to make things fun, fresh and engaging. 6.Bonus Tip: Unicorns make everything better! Running a small business is indeed a challenging journey, and sometimes we get so wrapped up that we forget to think about the basics! But, from making your customers happy and leaving a memorable impression to setting reasonable prices, enticing return visits, and injecting fun into your marketing, these tips from my almost 9-year-old might help you push your business towards new success. Now, I’m off to consider rebranding as Admin Unicorns UK 🦄 Comments are closed.
May 2023