Ever feel like you’re just not getting things done? You could finish a hectic day at work thinking that you’ve made great progress, only to look back and think.
“What did I do today that actually made money?”
You make money by doing whatever it is you are good at, what people pay you to do. You don’t make money by sitting in meetings, filing your paperwork or sorting your emails.
Despite this, we spend the majority of our working days doing mundane, unproductive tasks like these. On average, our working days only have three hours of productive time. Scale this up within an organisation and the figures are alarming, the majority of money spend on admin staff is money down the drain. Through better communication, administration and document management, we can slice overheads in half. Here are the six biggest killers of productivity:
Article Written by Joe Errington
Joe Errington is a marketing and social media executive for MITIE (www.MITIE.com)
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May 2023