Are you utilising all that Halloween has to offer for your business? Marketing, in itself, is all about drawing attention to your business and capturing the attention of your target audience and so we've put together our top tips to help you market your business for Halloween. 1. Newsletters There's no real reason why your business shouldn't be utilising newsletters anyway, if you have a product or service to sell, a great way to market it is to get your content out to the right people. Who are the right people? Customers of course! The chances of selling to a previous customer are much higher than selling to a new customer. Existing customers know your company and they know your products...what they might not be aware of is your new product line, your new service, your latest show them! A newsletter is the perfect way to show exactly what you have available and it's cost effective too! MailChimp is completely free to use (standard plan) and has everything that you need to get started delivering high quality, engaging newsletters. Halloween is a fantastic time to send a newsletter (even if it's your first). There's no right or wrong way to do it. Make it engaging. You can use Halloween images and think of spooky headings. It doesn't matter if it's cheesy, just make it fun and if you have any Halloween themed products (or products that can be adapted to Halloween) put them in your newsletter. For example, a local bakery might choose to do; pumpkin pies and witch cupcakes. 2. Decorate Your Shop/Office This tip may not apply to all of you. Some of you may not have a physical shop or office but it doesn't mean you can't join in if you want to. Decorating your shop or office is great fun for everyone, staff and customers alike. You don't need to spend a lot of money or time, simply buy some cheap decorations (you can save most for future years), add a bowl of spooky sweets for your customers and the whole staff can dress up to if you really want to go for it. Consider running a 'Best Costume' competition and have your customers vote on the winner to get everyone involved. 3. Social Media Social Media is a sure fire way to make your brand personal, in a quick and almost effortless way. Remember to wish your customers, friends and followers a Happy Halloween. Post a couple of Halloween images or jokes. If you've decorated your premises or your staff have come to work in costume be sure to post a few photos online. Mention that you have some free sweets on offer and encourage customers to come down and take a look. 4. The Power of Free We've already mentioned giving away free sweets to draw customers in, but why not take it a step further. Maybe a member of the team is an excellent baker and could bake some spooky treats to give away with new orders or how about some branded Halloween items? This all does depend on your budget but give it a try and see what works for you. You can then adapt your results to help with future holidays...don't forget, Christmas is coming up! 5. Website Your website is the face of your business. Your customers need to sense the personality of your brand through your website. A very simple way to do this is to give your website a Halloween makeover. Change your banner image for a Halloween image. Promote your Halloween-themed products/services and any special offers that you may have on your home page. Do a Halloween based blog post to add extra engaging content to your website and don't forget to promote this on your social media profiles and in your newsletter. No matter what you decide to do to market your business this Halloween, remember to have fun!
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May 2023